
Maybe the Dinosaurs Won't Be There

Our friend Gary joined us for the Tuesday morning Free Store conversation and said, "I like to think about heaven when it seems more like the other here."  He said that he wanted to look at a few texts in the bible that talk about heaven and started with 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.  Gary said that although some things are beyond our imagination and understanding that we can at least know some things about the future life.  Jack said, "It's not concrete but it's a concept."  Gary said, "It's hard to put into words."

Gary started off by saying that the bible talks about three heavens.  He told us that in Genesis 1:20 heaven refers to the sky, the environment of birds, butterflies, and clouds.  Gary said that Psalm 19:1-6 expands the idea of heaven to include the universe, the environment of the sun, moon, and planets.  He then said that 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 refers to heaven as paradise, a place of "inexplicable things" which is the common meaning of heaven for most people that believe in it.  At this point Marney said with a quizzical expression, "I'm kind of confused now because I've never heard about three heavens" which made us laugh.

After assuring Marney that he didn't mean to confuse anyone Gary pointed us to Revelation 21:1-5 which he referred to as that "cool, scary book that talks about stuff coming at the end of time."  He pointed out that God will ultimately make a new heaven and a new earth.  At this Jack said, "Now let me ask a question.  Is this not a fourth heaven?"  Someone else said, "We're pretty deep into speculation at this point" which made us laugh.

As the conversation progressed the question came up about animals going to heaven.  Rick made us laugh when he said, "All dogs go to  heaven."  Gary thought that based on some texts in the bible that animals would be in heaven but maybe not the exact ones we know here on earth.  Jack said, "Maybe the dinosaurs won't be there" which made us laugh.  He also brought up that there is a text in the bible that talks about wolves lying next to lambs but that the scene is often painted as lions and lambs.  Gary said, "Artists tend to use their imaginations."

At this point Gary brought up the text in Matthew 22:29-30 that says that people will be like the angels and will not marry in heaven.  Marney seemed disappointed and said, "That's complicated."  This led to a bit of a discussion about sex in heaven.  Somoene said, "If there was no sex then it couldn't be heaven" which made us laugh.  Our friend Liz thought that maybe our desires would be so completely fufilled that we wouldn't need the things that complete our lives here on earth.

As the conversation proceeded Gary brought up the text in Phillipians 2:3 that talks about glorious new bodies.  He said, "Our bodies will be similar and yet different, composed of new atoms."  At this Jack said, "Why wouldn't God use the same atoms?"  Gary said, "Because I don't want him to" which made us laugh.  Marney said, "I sort of imagine myself flitting around like a fairy dancing to the music of the flute."  Another friend said, "It would have to be an electric guitar for me."  Rick said, "Maybe a little AC/DC" which made us laugh.  Someone said, "Maybe heaven is unique for each individual."

As the conversation moved toward a conclusion somehow we got into a bit of a discussion about colors and weather in  heaven.  Jack thought that we would all have olive colored skin and that there would be no variation in temperatures in heaven.  Someone else said, "That heaven sounds a bit bland and boring.  I like some diversity.  Maybe we have the genetic potential for all shades of colors to develop over time."  Although the conversation raised more questions than it answered we all nodded in agreement when Gary said, "It's gonna be better than we can imagine."

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