
After My Mama's Death Everything Exploded and Fell Apart

At our Free Store conversation on Wednesday morning Carlos led us in a discussion of Romans 8:16-28.  The conversation revolved around the ideas of power and hope.  Carlos began by saying, "We really don't have any power of our own.  God wills us to live and that is the source of life and of any power we have."  We talked a bit about the importance of using the power that we do have in the right way.  At this Donald jumped in and said, "I know a lot of homeless people.  We sit around and play cards and I read the bible to em."

As the conversation progressed Carlos said, "The most powerful thing I've ever done is to confess, to admit I'm wrong and admit I'm powerless.  We're used to people coming at each other and being defensive.  Last night I confessed to a friend and it really helped us work through something very difficult."  Carlos went on to say, "I think power is a funny word. I think power is neutral.  There is the power of electricity that can be used for the electric chair and to power the lights in grandma's house."

At this point in the conversation Carlos said, "Somehow recognizing that we don't have power is a very powerful thing in itself.  If you think you have cancer, or if you think you're losing your mind, then just accept it and look to God for help.  Admitting we're at the bottom we can get help quicker."

As the conversation moved to a conclusion the question was asked, "What are you hoping for?"  Donald said, "That we all trust in God.  We all part of God's people.  Whites and blacks are all in this together."  David said, "Mine is to have a relationship with my five year old son.  After my mama's death everything exploded and fell apart.  My sister was raped at nine years old by mama's boyfriend but she forgave mama before she died.  But then she displaced her anger on me and my brother.  So I just hope we can all work things out."  Carlos said, "I have a friend that's an alcoholic.  I hope my friend quits drinking today."  Sheila said, "I hope my pain goes away and stays away."

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