
I Like To Go For My Dreams

Our friend Carlos joined us on Wednesday morning and continued leading us through the book of Galatians.  It's sort of a Galatians for dummies approach but we have found the discussions interesting and they always leave us with a lot to think about.

Carlos started out with a bit of a review telling us that we are really talking about is a system of rules that are designed for children.  However, as we become adults we should be intrinsically motivated and not need this system of dont's with its limitations and prohibitions.  The question was asked, "What are you gonna do and create in your life?"  Shay asked us to think about what we are good at.  And Cheronne said that we should think about what our passion is.  He then said, "I like to go for my dreams."  He told us that God puts desire in our hearts and inspires us to do great things with it.  This was a very encouraging message from our young friend.

Carlos explained that there are two false options in life.  One is to follow the don't system with all its rules and prohibitions.  Shay thought that way of living would be boring.  And George said that a person that lived that way would be lazy.  The other way is to completely reject this law and fear-based system and think to ourselves, "I can do whatever the fuck I want."  Although we smiled at this we recognized that such anarchistic thinking may not lead to the best way of life either.  Carlos suggested that the third choice was to be open to the Spirit of God which gives us the freedom to do and to create.

One of our new young friends said that when you try to follow your dreams and be creative that people will try to mess with you.  Many heads were nodding in agreement as someone said that negative people will often tell us that we can't do what we really want to do.  Carlos said that by focusing on what we can't do that we don't ourselves to death which made us laugh.

In closing our conversation the questions were asked, "What good thing do you want to do today?"  And, "What is your dream?"  Curtis said that he wanted to stay healthy and develop positive friendships.  That sounded like a great idea to us and we encouraged him to do it and told him that from what we knew about him that he definitely had the ability to make it happen.

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