
Real Threat to Marriages

In President Bush's re-election to a second term in office, it seems that a large part of his victory was credited to the perception of voters that he is strong on "moral issues." I would assume that a large part of this morality would be his support of an amendment to ban gay marriage, and in the logic of the conservative position, to thus strengthen the nuclear (or nukular!) family. Here is my suggestion. If conservatives are truly concerned about the family they will open their eyes to the real threat to families in our country. Single people are far more of a threat to the family than gays. For one thing the reality is that there are a lot more singles than gays, thus making a single person more statistically likely to wreck a happy marriage than a gay person. And it is clear that single people actually choose to be single (whereas many homosexual persons say that they have no choice in their homosexuality), and thus blatantly flaunt the institution of marriage! And on top of this outrage singles largely reject the truly legitimate function of human sexuality as a means to procreation and the blessedness of having children. This brazen attack on the foundation of marriage just makes one's blood boil! For those that may be questioning the validity of this "moral issue" I would simply refer them to some of the first words in the Bible where God says, "It is not good for the man (and by extension I would assume woman also) to be alone."

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