As I see it the experience of discipleship is captured in Jesus' saying, "Follow me." Being a disciple is being on a journey with Jesus. I don't focus so much on the relationship (probably because as a man that is simply too difficult) but on the journey. I don't know if you've seen the movie, "Lord of the Rings" but in the first movie of the trilogy there is a great scene in which Frodo and Sam have set out from home. They come to a spot in a field and Sam suddenly stops. Frodo then turns around and asks Sam what he's doing. Sam replies, "If I take one more step I'll be farther away from home then I've ever been before." I think that captures the meaning of discipleship with Jesus. It is both a great risk and an incredible adventure. It is a leaving of certain securities behind and a going out into an unknown future. The risk part is captured in the words "deny yourself" and "take up your cross." However, even that has a liberating dimension because it can free us to engage in something greater than our own concerns, the kingdom of God. It also frees us from the fears that hold us back and inhibit us from truly living! To embrace the cross of Jesus is simply to say in the face of the horrors in the world, "I am not afraid!" And that is an amazing thing.
Also, the emphasis in John's gospel on eating and drinking the body and blood of Jesus (although gross and distasteful in a literal way!) is a metaphor. It's another way of saying that the believer must "participate" in the life and death of Jesus. It's not enough to know about Jesus or to hold orthodox doctrinal ideas about him. Discipleship means to be engaged; heart, mind, and soul in the work of advancing the kingdom of God, just as Jesus did. God doesn't need more fans in the pews, he needs more players in the game!